Ying Ye

Ying Ye

Master Student of Psychology

Shaanxi Normal University

About me

I am a student with a Master of Science degree in Psychology, focusing on well-being, the development of positive attributes, and social media usage. I am interested in exploring the factors that influence people's well-being from multiple perspectives including family dynamics, emotions, personality, and culture. With my research, I aim to help people foster well-being.

The research methods I commonly use include longitudinal design, daily diaries, meta-analysis, mixed-method, randomized controlled trials, and ecological momentary assessment/intervention. I am also currently learning methods related to computational psychology. 

In my free time, I enjoy staying active with sports like basketball, swimming, and cycling. I also like reading, particularly books on history, literature, and social sciences. Evenings are often spent listening to music while taking walks, and I enjoy meeting up with friends. I have a fondness for small animals and have a orange cat. During vacations, I love traveling! 

Currently, I am a research assistant of the Computational Positive Psychology and Serious Games Lab at Tsinghua University and a member of the Science of Well Being lab (Kong's lab)👨‍💻 of the Shaanxi Normal University (SNNU).

  • Positive emotions
  • Well-being
  • Childhood experience
  • Social media usage
  • Digital mental health
  • Master of Science in Psychology, 2023

    Shaanxi Normal University, School of Psychology

  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology, 2021

    Henan University, Faculty of Education

Research Experience

 2024 - Present

I am a research assistant at the Computational Positive Psychology and Serious Games Lab. My research topics include social media usage and digital mental health.  I am currently studying machine learning, affective computing and modeling, and AI interventions in serious psychological games. I am working under the guidance of my mentor, Dr. Shiguang Ni.

In addition, I am a research assistant at the University of Hong Kong, working under the guidance of my mentor, Dr. Helen Qing He. We use randomized controlled trials and mixed-methods to study topics related to peer teaching and interprofessional education. 

 2023 - 2024

I was a research assistant at the Prosocial Lab at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, working under the guidance of my mentor, Dr. Bryant Pui Hung Hui. Under his guidance, I: 

  • Managed and implemented Ecological Momentary Intervention projects. 
  • Led and executed a meta-analysis project on prosocial behavior and sleep. 

 2021- 2023

During my master's program (2021-2023), my research primarily focused on positive psychology (i.e., well-being). Under the guidance of my mentor, Prof. Feng Kong, my research focused on:

  • Explored the relationship between gratitude and well-being.
  • Investigated how experiences of child abuse can influence social well-being through gratitude.
  • Explored theories about the development of positive attributes and behavior.

Extra-curricular Activities

(2023). Text Analysis of Microblog on Public reactions upon Social Governance Policies. the "Challenge Cup" National College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition

Second Prize

(2017-2020). Women’s Basketball Team. Henan University


(2017-2020). Women’s Basketball Team. School of Education, Henan University


(2018-2019). Campus Sports Handbook. Henan University
